Free seminars with Euroasia
If you are a client of Euroasia, you will get invitations to attend our free seminars.
Language students will be invited to attend Looking at language seminars. We believe that you will learn a language more effectively if you can see it in a broader context, that is, if you understand more about language and individual languages, about how language works. These sessions are offered on certain evenings when our classes are operating. Just come along! You are welcome just to sit and listen, but we encourage you to participate as well.
Anyone who has not yet decided to enrol for a language course with Euroasia is welcome to come along for free language classes throughout the year – and maybe catch the language learning bug!
Areas covered in the seminars include:
- The diversity of language
- Asian languages
- European languages
- Learning a language
- What is grammar?
- The language of language
- Introduction to linguistics
- Phonology – the sounds of language
- Writing systems
- English as others see it
- Communicating with non-native speakers of English

We try to make these seminars accessible as well as stimulating. In addition to being encouraged to think in new ways, you will be amused by some of the bizarre quirks of language!