Enrol Courses

Huān yíng xué Hàn Yǔ

Welcome to the Mandarin language – and to Mandarin language courses with Euroasia!

Why learn Mandarin?

  • In terms of native speakers, Mandarin is the number one language worldwide.
  • Over the last hundred years, China has been a country of revolutions, and the current economic revolution is perhaps as important as any: never before in human history have so many people seen such a rapid transformation in their economic fortunes.  China is now set to become the world’s leading manufacturing nation, and perhaps one day its biggest economy.
  • China is a hugely important trading partner for New Zealand, with many New Zealand companies considering how to take advantage of existing links and develop new ones.
  • Opportunities for Mandarin-speaking Kiwis are likely to grow enormously in the future, as the need for New Zealand companies to have a presence in China grows.
  • There are many opportunities now for Kiwis to teach English in China.
  • China is home to one of the world’s oldest civilisations, exceptionally rich in architecture and art.   Over the centuries, it has also made huge contributions to science and technology.
  • China is a fascinating country to visit, huge and diverse, its attractions ranging from the Great Wall to the Himalayas – via some megacities along the way! 
  • Chinese cooking is world-renowned, and knowledge of a little Chinese may help you to understand more of what you eat!
  • Many Mandarin-speaking tourists already visit New Zealand every year, and this number will almost certainly grow in the future.
  • New Zealand, of course, has a large Chinese community, and there are plenty of opportunities to learn more about Chinese language and Chinese culture here.
  • Chinese (Mandarin)

  • Chinese Mandarin 1 Online Self Study (Free sample)

    1 lesson
    This is an online self-study course via Google Classroom. If you've always wanted to learn the Japanese language, maybe this is the time to give it a go!
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  • Chinese Mandarin 1 for Self Study

    10 sessions
    This is an online self-study course via Google Classroom. A first taste of the Chinese Mandarin. This course is for complete beginners. No previous knowledge of the language is required. By the end of this course, you will already know enough to get by in Mandarin: you will be able to cope with the most common everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions, and you will be able to understand people when they speak to you about the situations covered.
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    From $99.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 1 (Online)

    15 hours
    This is a live course delivered via Google Classroom. A first taste of the Chinese language, this course is for complete beginners. No previous knowledge of the language is required. By the end of this course, you will already know enough to get by in Mandarin: you will be able to cope with the most common everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions. and you will be able to understand people when they speak to you about the situations covered.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 2 Online

    10 sessions
    This course follows our beginner’s course or assumes previous basic knowledge of the language, (for example, self introductions, talking about your family, names of foods, shopping, asking for directions, etc.). By the end of this course, you will have expanded the range of situations which you are able to handle in Mandarin, and you will have begun to learn some basic grammar points; you can expect to be understanding more of what people say, and growing in your confidence to respond appropriately.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 3 Online

    10 sessions
    This is an online course delivered via Google Classroom. By the end of this course, you will be able to say more about your professional and social life; you will be able to use the phone and write simple messages; you will also have a reasonable feel for the main patterns of the language.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 4 Online

    10 Sessions
    By the end of this course, you will have mastered the basics of the Mandarin language, both grammar and vocabulary; you will have learnt enough either to go off to a country where Mandarin is spoken and pick it up there, or possibly to embark upon more formal study.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 5 Online

    10 weeks
    By the end of this course, you will be able to refer to future and past events in Mandarin and describe some of these in sequence; your range of Mandarin vocabulary will have increased to include some areas outside the everyday.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin 6 Online

    10 sessions
    By the end of this course, you will be able to refer to future and past events in Mandarin and describe some of these in sequence; your range of Mandarin vocabulary will have increased to include some areas outside the everyday.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin Intermediate Online

    10 sessions
    This course enables you to explore in more depth the grammar and vocabulary covered in the previous six levels. You will build up your confidence of speaking in Mandarin in preparation for either travel to China or joining Mandarin Advanced.
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    From $349.00
  • Chinese Mandarin Advanced Online

    10 sessions
    By the end of this course, you will have mastered the basics of the Mandarin language, both grammar and vocabulary; you will have learnt enough either to go off to a country where Mandarin is spoken and pick it up there, or possibly to embark upon more formal study.
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    From $349.00